Practical Workshops

Seasonal Organic Gardening
& Seed Saving
Sunday 6th April 2025
Learn regenerative growing practices and planning skills to get the most from your gardens year-round. Topics will include soil fertility, crop planning, poly-crop design and succession planting.
In the seed saving segment you'll learn how to identify ripe seed for collection and methods for processing and storing.
Pruning workshop - date #1​
Sunday 4th May 2025
Learn the basics of fruit tree pruning and tree training for beauty, health, increased production, and ease of harvest. Both timing your pruning work right for the trees and caring for your tools will maximise the results of your efforts. Judy will demonstrate on a range of fruit trees including apple, pear, feijoa, citrus, plum, grape and peach.

Forest Gardens/Planting Hugelkultur garden beds​
Sunday 1st June 2025
In this workshop we will focus on the form and function of a multi-layered forest garden system, and how to design for our present and future needs. Best practice for planting will be covered and common management practices including building Hügels (mounds) from carbon heavy resources.

Pruning workshop - date #2
Sunday 22nd June 2025
You will learn the basics of fruit tree pruning: shaping and pruning for tree health and ease of harvest, when to prune which trees, tools and their care, and much more! Tim will demonstrate on a range of fruit trees including apple, pear, feijoa, plum, grape, peach and more.
Note: this is the same content as Pruning workshop date #1 above, just with different facilitators. We have put on two date options as it is such a popular workshop.

Deep Ecology
& Inner Resilience
Sunday 29th June 2025
Drawing on the work of well-known environmentalists Joanna Macy, John Seed and Arne Naess, together with practices informed by Peter Levine's nervous system trauma healing approaches, this experiential workshop offers a space to connect, express our concerns, grow our inner reslience and sense of purpose and agency to act on behalf of Earth with clarity and direction. Incorporating experiential practices that help us to connect more deeply to nature, ourselves (Zone 00), this is a powerful workshop experience with like-minded participants.

Composting, Grafting
& Plant Propagation​
Sunday 3rd August 2025
We will explore different composting methods and hone in on hot composting. We will compile a heap from accumulated materials and inoculate it with beneficial anaerobic microbes to ensure the development of fungal networks and sequestration of carbon. We will also learn how to grow plants from seed, root division and cuttings. Best timing for these practices will be covered, plant species suited to the season, and how to care for your transplants once in your garden.

Growing Mushrooms
Sunday 31st August 2025
Learn how to grow different mushroom species at home - including Shitake, Oyster and King Stropharia. We'll cover various growing mediums including how to innoculate logs plus heaps of growing tips.

Permaculture Properties Tour
Sunday 21st September 2025
Get inspired by how others have applied the principles of permaculture design to create resilient lifestyles, eco homes, abundant gardens and orchards. We will visit various permaculture properties in the Matakana area, including examples of timber and straw-bale eco-houses,
solar & water systems, edible landscapes, integrated chickens and animals, composting systems including compost toilets, worm farms and ponds.
A delicious lunch is included at no extra cost.

Eco building techniques
Sunday 12th October 2025
A hands-on exploration into two
eco-buillding techniques:
1. Earth-building for houses, outdoor studios, sheds & garden walls.
Video of earth-building workshop
2. Light earth (straw & clay mix) for insulation in timber-framed buildings.